Friday, October 29, 2010

Ordered the new computer parts!

Yep. I'll list them here to link to the YouTube video for those who are curious. (YouTube vid here.)

Combo Deal (CPU/Motherboard)

  • MSI 880GM-E41 AM3 AMD 880G HDMI Micro ATX AMD Motherboard 
  • AMD Athlon II X3 450 Rana 3.2GHz

Some PSU for my mom so I can take my old out out of her comp, which is a Rocketfish 700W

I'll be using the on board video, which reviews said it ran lower quality games really well (Counter Strike : Source at 200~299fps) so I'm sure it'll run a couple mid tier games like L4D and such with playable FPS.

I also got a few extra SATA cables and what-not, and all together my checkout came to $401.40

I'm sure excited about getting the new computer built, and will have a ton of new animations up throughout the month to make up for lost time. Don't worry, original comedies and all. Trying to take a break from Kilplix's Comments since it's getting pretty repetitive.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Yargh new song!

Something new to bop your head to. :D

"Hot n' Cold" by Basement Jaxx

Friday, October 22, 2010

Updates with videos and the new rig!

So hi! It's currently the 22nd, and I get payed in 3 days! As soon as I can payed I'll be.. taking care of the internet bill... BUT THEN I'll be ordering my new computer parts! If you'd like to know what parts I'll be ordering, click here.

Anyway, I'm REALLY excited to finally have a good computer for once. All my life I've been using really low tier models and crappy built ones with old ass single core CPUs and AGP video slots. This one will be really up to date, and will run all the games I want without hassle! This means I'll be uploading a lot more videos to my Steam channel, Steamytots! These games will probably include L4D, L4D2, Borderlands, Bad Company 2, and whatever other good multiplayer games me and my friends can make entertaining.

Regarding stick movies!

With my time off, I've been able to come up with a lot of nifty ideas! As I've stated before, I already have the Q&A answers recorded, it's just that this computer can't run any decent video editors. Once I get the new rig setup, I'll be able to use Sony Vegas again and will have the Q&A up as soon as possible.

Other than that, I have a couple actual comedies thought up! One I'll share with you is called "Shotgun". Yes it has to do with calling shotgun in a car, and yes it has to do with actual shotguns.

That's about it for now, thanks for the support over the dead month!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Reoccurring dream

Okay so last night I had trouble sleeping. In fact I just woke up and wanted to write about this while it was still fresh in my head, because I'm sorta tripping out. This is a weird blog entry, but bare with me. :P

Anyway, last night I had a reoccurring dream. I woke up a bunch of times throughout the night, but every time I fell back asleep the dream started over and happened again. In this dream, the following events happened that I could remember.

1 - The dream started, I was in a wooden house. The room I was in had a computer set up on a desk with no one on it, yet it was acting as if someone was working on it. Keys being pressed, mouse moving and clicking, and so on. I ignored it and walked around throughout the house.

2 - Next thing I know I'm in what seems to be a cramped dorm room with 3 other people. I actually knew one of the people in the dream, her name was Maggie, she's a friend of mine. She acted as sarcastic as she really does. One other girl was supposed to be her sister or something, then one dude I can't remember at all. The dorm room had snack machines, and we all kept trying to throw quarters into the slots like idiots.

3 - Next, we're all on a bus. Going on some field trip I think. Weird thing is we're not on a road, we're on the train tracks. The bus followed them as if that's what buses were supposed to travel on. This is the part of the dream I woke up on every single time, but just a bit ago as I was having the dream, it went on a little further. The bus was going pretty quick, and there were 3 sets of train tracks. For some reason, the other two had broken spots and gaps all around them, so you can imagine we of course ran into one. The bus driver only tried to slow down at the last second, and we plummeted into a lake. As we sank into the lake, there were other buses down there too. When we hit the bottom I woke up.

The weirdest thing about these dreams is during them, I knew they were a dream every time. I was aware that it was happening over and over.

There's really nothing to this, I just thought it was sort of interesting and wanted to share. See ya! :B

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Old comp fried, but alas, a new rig awaits!

Okay so yea. The motherboard in my computer died out, I'll assume it's because I'm a dumb ass and leave the case open at all times because I LOOOOOOST it. Well, because of that I put my video card and a little RAM into my mom's computer and am sharing it with her. It's crap. I hate it.

Well, all bad things aside, my next pay is going to be around $450 or so. With this I'll be building a bit of a new rig and am very excited to do so. I haven't ever owned a good computer, so this is pretty awesome.

Here are the parts I have picked out.

  • ASUS Motherboard. Two PCI 2.0 x16 slots, four 240-Pin RAM slots.
  • AMD Phenom CPU. 3.4GHz quad core.
          (Mobo/CPU combo - $250)
  • 4GBs of DDR3 RAM. - $75
  • 1GIG ATI SAPPHIRE gfx card thingy. $55

I'm psyched I found all this for how cheap it is. I'll be salvaging my old HDD, power supply, and etc from older computers for a bit, until I can upgrade those too.

All parts will be ordered from - Mostly for reliability and 3 day delivery. Also cheap as hell prices.

For now I can barely even play L4D, or animate without freezing up. Hopefully I can keep uploading YouTube videos and stuff. :C

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tate's doing a Q&A!

Okay hi. I've just released a quick video announcing that I'm going to be doing a Q&A (Question and Answer) video. You can view the video by clicking here.

Do you have a question you want to ask to possibly get it answered? You can ask it in the comment section of the video.

That's about it, I suppose!

Sometimes I visit my own blog just for the music.

I know some of you do as well. You can't hide it. It's the greatest tune of all time.

Monday, October 4, 2010


My birthday buddy Dollia needs some watchers, so YEA!

She does poetry with her blog. Not really my thing, but she's a good friend and I figure you guys might like it.

Check her out here!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Just been doing a whole lot of work lately. Website and animations, the such. Just released a new Kilplix's Comments bagging on the more rude people of the scene. Check it out here.

A couple upcoming videos I'll be working on are :

  • Head First - The epic sequel to Legs First
  • Untitled Fight Project
  • Animate with Tate(s)
And yea. Whatever comes up, I guess.

On a side note, "The Sacrifice" DLC is coming to L4D and L4D2 here soon, and I'm SUPER excited! I'll definitely be playing it on L4D, since I like it much more than L4D2. I'll be playing with my usual crew, but unfortunately Mr.CD won't be online that day. Oh well, we'll be recording it for him! With that being said, Louis dies. End of story.

Whelp, that's about it for now. I guess I'll post when I release a new movie or I have something on my mind. Feel free to discuss the happenings in the comments below!