Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mufuggin XBAWKS

So my brother's been here for the passed few days (Since Friday), and he brought his Xbox 360. Been super addicted to some Halo Reach, my brother got me into Swat mode, which is a game mode in multiplayer, for those who don't know, where you don't have a shield, and you only use a DMR (Battle Rifle in the older Halo), and a Magnum. A good head shot is an instant kill, so if you've got good accuracy, you'll do well. It's super teamworky, so make sure you have a group of people you know you can count on if you're going through. I just started playing it, so I don't know a whole lot of people on Live yet, haha. Just been split screening with my brother.

Getting my own Xbox early February, so I'll be playing a ton. :D


  1. What exactly did you expect as a comment to such news? o_o'
    Early gratz?

  2. I just felt like updating what's up. YOU DON'T HAVE TO COMMENT.

  3. Good to see you're still alive tate . LOLOLOLOLOLOL . Kbai

  4. Halo? That's a girls game...

    Go get Left 4 Dead or something. >3

  5. -comes in-
    Nice. :o

  6. Ohhhh sh-
    Dude, SWAT's like the only thing I play! :D
    Haha you have no clue how much I'd love it to play with you :O
    How about it? You feel like it? (:
    If you do, please comment on here, and Ill post my GT. (: (I don't want random people to add me.. So annoying x_X)
    Also, I happen to have a 1 month free xbox live gold membership coupon lying around here, unused.. And hey, us fans need to reward you from time to time too. ;) So yeah, you can have that if you want to.
    Hope to hear from you soon! ;)

  7. Sure fuck it. My GT is Taterdesu, hit me up.

  8. *Notes down Tate's gamertag*

    Fufufu... Now I know who to gank online. >3

  9. No Modern Warfare Black Cocks?

  10. Do you know what games you're gonna get?

  11. hey,wanna play some with me too ?=3

  12. Hey, I get to gank him first you lot. Shoo!

  13. Crud I'm sure I'm a little late to jump on ye ole Tatedesu bandwagon so...

    Hell, I'll try. It's EDConman if you find it.

    ~EverydayConman (A.K.A. That Remix Guy)

  14. Oh yeah, I'm HMW Rapture. Sorry for not posting my GT ^_^.

  15. see you there tate
    btw my GT is HAiL Miget
    ...yes i spelled midget wrong

  16. My gamertag is FoxShadowDemon if anyone wants to add meh. :)

  17. Ohhh mah GT is Excrillion if someone wants to play or add me :P

  18. *Notes down the previous gamertags*

    This is quite a nice little mine of information. Now I have many more names to watch out for and eliminate online later. <3

  19. quote raptorjesus was here

    >.> why do people have to add each other from online instead of from the 360(this is why the limited friends on a friend list is 100)

  20. Bring it Robin. :P
    (Feel free to add me BTW, could use another oldie to talk with. <3)

  21. Rawr, if you want MY allegience, you have to add ME first! >3

    As for talking, you'd be better at adding my MSN or Skype instead; I don't use microphones.

    My skills are simply so legendary that I've never had the need for one! Even on Left 4 Dead. >3

  22. That, and I don't want people poking fun at my posh English voice. o.o

    It's not MY fault I'm so noble sounding!

  23. Well yeah, but the problem here is that you haven't posted your GT or MSN/Skype yet, you plonker. :P
    Also, DW about your English-ish voice; Im half English. ;)
