Thursday, April 14, 2011

What a great song to wake up and listen to!

I lubs it so much. <3<3anamanaguchi


  1. I read the whole Scott Pilgrim series a few weeks ago, it's loads better than the movie. And the movie is awesome.

    This song is really nice, especially after 0:33

    I suggest having a listen to "Prodigy - Stand Up" my favourite morning song.

  2. I think the movie did an amazing job. They stuck to the comic almost 100%. I like both pretty much equally.

  3. Oh man, this song. I remember I heard this on your stream once and realized "...wait, shit, isn't this Another Winter?!" and searching yielded this. So, thanks for inadvertently showing me something awesome. xD

    <3 this game's OST. I think I'm gonna have to make a L4D2 soundpack swapping some of its music in, just for fun.
